Political Design

Design – its etymology comes from the French dessiner (paint), in which the Latin word signum (sign) is heard.

Therefore, design in a more general sense means a certain idea (vision) for aesthetic appearance, construction, purpose and use of an object, machine, building or surrounding space, which idea (vision) is outlined (drawn) on a certain medium (paper, computer screen) and then practically implemented.

So, the concept of “design” contains three important components: 

  1. idea (vision),
  2. sketch (project),
  3. implementation.

What is the point of talking about political design?

The discussion allows multiple aspects. For example, political design in Bulgaria refers to the financing, support and development of the GERB party model by the German political class, implemented through the Hanns Seidel Foundation.

For me and my supporters, it is far more important to explore why the model of so-called ‘representative democracy’ is failing everywhere. Here is my immediate answer: because this is not democracy, but a crypto-oligarchy with elements of democracy. Any evidence? They are innumerable, but isn’t democracy a model of governance where the three pillars are separated? And the fact that the legislature, the executive and the judiciary are not divided in any “democratic” state can be seen with a glimpse into any constitution. Everywhere, one of the powers (the legislature) elects and controls the others, and a powerful partocracy keeps their back safe.

By the way, the designers of what we call “representative democracy” have never spoken of democracy. They have always spoken of “the power of representatives.” Whose representatives are we talking about? About the representatives of elites and nothing more. Therefore, you will not find the word “democracy” anywhere in the U.S. constitution (a state known as the founder of modern democracy). You will hardly see it in the French Revolution documents – they speak of the “republic”. But the “republic” is not at all synonymous with “democracy,” and the French revolutionaries used it entirely as an alternative to the absolutist rule of the French kings. “Democracy” was mentioned only in the 1930s after the book “Democracy in America” was published by the French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, where he compared the system of governance in the United States with that of Athens in Antiquity.

So, from the very beginning, the concepts have been called by false names. It has been going on for almost 2 centuries, with even a gradation in the use (more precisely the abuse) of this concept. Everywhere, with and without any reason, democracy is spoken of as a kind of sacred book. At the same time, the exact opposite of normal democratic practices is being done.

Over the last two centuries, a number of reformers of “representative democracy” have appeared, but since all of them were grown and brought up in the lies and falsities of this concept, they have invariably dealt with insignificant details without reaching to the core (essence; heart; substance; backbone).

And the core of an A-to-Z reform is to make sure that the states are not governed by the Deep State, but by really elected representatives of the peoples, who pursue a policy exclusively and only in the interest of the citizens, not the elites.

We want to go back to the very foundations of “democracy” and to correct its distortion that has been sprouting for 2 centuries. We want to call things by their proper names.

This is the basic idea of our political design. This is the vision we follow. It is as huge as one can hardly imagine. Elites have ruled and are ruling humanity in their own interest for eternity, and more specifically since primitive hunters and gatherers have engaged in agriculture and formed settled human communities. We’re talking about 12 millennia at least. And we now want to change the status quo and deprive them of their power. No more, no less.

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